PLEASE NOTE Cancellation Policy: You may request a full refund to cancel your ticket by writing up to 4 weeks before the scheduled event date. If requested within 2 weeks of the schedule event, you are eligible for 50% refund. There are no refunds or credits within the period of less than two weeks from the scheduled event date, on the scheduled date or after the scheduled date. All refunds will attract $35NZD merchant fee. There are no refunds or credit notes should you miss the live event once it has transpired.
This a FACE to FACE seminar. Aspects of the seminar may be recorded for promotional use only.
1. By attending you agree that the event may be recorded and the recording may be sold and used for promotional education and advertising
2. By attending the event, you agree that NeedlePro Australia acquires copyright in any written or electronic record and all material which is generated during your participation in this event, or refers to your participation, including photographs and video or other recordings in which you appear, emails, and electronic media posts, and all such material shall become the property of NeedlePro Australia
2.1 You agree that you will not use any of the materials referred to in condition 2 for any purpose without obtaining specific consent in writing from NeedlePro Australia.
2.2 You acknowledge that NeedlePro Australia may use the materials referred to in condition 2 at any time in the future in relation to the promotion of this event or similar projects or courses.
You agree not to record the event yourself (video or audio)
Non registered attendees will not be allowed to join the event.